Thursday, April 16, 2020

Thursday 4/16 - World War I


Seniors last day is May 8th. I am not sure when computer turn in will be, textbook turn in, finals, or really anything else. Any news I get, I post here.

However, there are MANY of you who haven't done the earlier assignment from Tuesday so I am making that due for today's post. I have re-copied it to todays..

Activity # 1:

Zimmerman Telegram - Click on the link, read copies of the original Zimmerman Telegram.

Answer the following 2 prompts in a google doc, making sure to share with me

  1. What other events in 1916 and 1917 would have contributed to the impact the Zimmermann telegram had on the American public?
  2. Do you think the United States would have remained neutral if the Zimmermann telegram had not been revealed?

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