Monday, April 6, 2020

Monday 4/6 - Friday4/10: WWI

Good Morning Everyone,

Let me begin by saying what an amazing job you have done with this transition to E-Learning process. By now you have heard about the new grading policy moving forward, however I want to assure you that I will do everything I can to make sure as you continue to turn in work / assignments, your grade will reflect your hard work.

I am not sure when you are checking this blog, however, for this week I am going to do something a little different.

I want you to use this week to focus on those classes that are you are behind in, missing assignments, etc. I will not be posting anything for the remainder of the week. We will pick up next Tuesday continuing World War I.

If you are missing items from the last couple of weeks in Military History, please turn that in as I will be updating grades, etc..

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