Monday, April 27, 2020

Tuesday 4/28: World War I

From Last Week:

Activity # 1:  

Evaluate the extent to which the United States participation in the First World War (1917-1918) marked a turning point in the nations role in World Affairs.

In the development of your argument, explain what changed & what stayed the same right before the war and directly after the war.

Activity # 2:

Is anyone still checking this?? If so, prove it by sending me an email at, telling me the correct answer of how many Buckeyes were drafted in the 1st Round of the NFL draft..

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Thursday 4/23: World War I Prompt

Today's assignment is writing a prompt on a goole document, make sure to share that document with me, This is an essay prompt, so it should be in paragraph form, etc..

Activity # 1:  

Evaluate the extent to which the United States participation in the First World War (1917-1918) marked a turning point in the nations role in World Affairs.

In the development of your argument, explain what changed & what stayed the same right before the war and directly after the war.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Tuesday 4/21: World War I

 Information :  Grading Information

I am also not sure when Senior grades are due but I once I know for sure, I will pass along. However, for now let's keep the last day May 8th as the last day to turn assignments in..

Activity # 1: World War I - Many of you haven't completed this assignment so I am reposting..

Zimmerman Telegram - Click on the link, read copies of the original Zimmerman Telegram.

Answer the following 2 prompts in a google doc, making sure to share with me

  1. What other events in 1916 and 1917 would have contributed to the impact the Zimmermann telegram had on the American public?
  2. Do you think the United States would have remained neutral if the Zimmermann telegram had not been revealed?

Activity # 2:

World War I in Photos - Review the document

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Thursday 4/16 - World War I


Seniors last day is May 8th. I am not sure when computer turn in will be, textbook turn in, finals, or really anything else. Any news I get, I post here.

However, there are MANY of you who haven't done the earlier assignment from Tuesday so I am making that due for today's post. I have re-copied it to todays..

Activity # 1:

Zimmerman Telegram - Click on the link, read copies of the original Zimmerman Telegram.

Answer the following 2 prompts in a google doc, making sure to share with me

  1. What other events in 1916 and 1917 would have contributed to the impact the Zimmermann telegram had on the American public?
  2. Do you think the United States would have remained neutral if the Zimmermann telegram had not been revealed?

Monday, April 13, 2020

Tuesday 4/14: World War I


Hey all you cool cats & kittens.. I have no new info to pass along. They are working on Seniors last day, computer turn in, etc.. Once I know, I will pass along

Activity #1:

US Entry into WWI - Read the Article & Watch the Video

Activity # 2: 

Zimmerman Telegram - Click on the link, read copies of the original Zimmerman Telegram.

Answer the following 2 prompts in a google doc, making sure to share with me

  1. What other events in 1916 and 1917 would have contributed to the impact the Zimmermann telegram had on the American public?
  2. Do you think the United States would have remained neutral if the Zimmermann telegram had not been revealed?

Monday, April 6, 2020

Monday 4/6 - Friday4/10: WWI

Good Morning Everyone,

Let me begin by saying what an amazing job you have done with this transition to E-Learning process. By now you have heard about the new grading policy moving forward, however I want to assure you that I will do everything I can to make sure as you continue to turn in work / assignments, your grade will reflect your hard work.

I am not sure when you are checking this blog, however, for this week I am going to do something a little different.

I want you to use this week to focus on those classes that are you are behind in, missing assignments, etc. I will not be posting anything for the remainder of the week. We will pick up next Tuesday continuing World War I.

If you are missing items from the last couple of weeks in Military History, please turn that in as I will be updating grades, etc..