Friday, November 15, 2019

Friday 11/15: Military History

Activity # 1:

Mr. Voos is going to present some very important information about our upcoming field trip on Monday 11/25.

I will begin collecting $$ next Monday.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Monday 11/11: Veterans Day

Activity # 1: 

Veterans Day Quiz - 10 Questions

Activity # 2:

Bet You Didn't Know - Video

Activity # 3:

Military Families - Video

Activity # 4:

Watch videos associated with U.S. wars. You may choose the war you know the least about or play what you have time for. Click on the timeline to scroll through to each event, and click on the images above the timeline to watch short videos on the war.

Background on US Wars Timeline

Activity # 5: 

Waiting for Benefits - Video

Disabled Vets Benefits Reading

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Thursday 11/7: Military History

Please complete the questions from last class. You will need to print and turn in on the desk by the end of class today.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Military History 11/1: Roman Empire & Military

Activity # 1: 

Pre -Writing : In the opening scene of Gladiator, what do you expect to see. Formations, military tactics, etc?

Gladiator Opening Scene

Post-Writing: What did you see?

Activity # 2: 

Roman Military Assignment - Due 11/5